Balbix for the Manufacturing Industry

Reduce cyber risk to your factories, plants, and sites from disruptive malware and ransomware

Ransomware in Factories and Plants

Assess ransomware exposure

Leverage AI to understand your mission-critical IT/OT assets and applications and exposure to specific ransomware as identified by CISA KEV.

Detect EOL software

Detect OS, browsers, plugins, and other critical software in enterprise and OT environments. Identify and remediate End-of-Life (EoL) software prone to ransomware attacks.

Rapidly lower risk of ransomware

Integrate with ticketing platforms to create remediation tickets with fix/patch information, owners, and priority, significantly improving the time to remediate vulnerabilities.

Cyber Risk Management

Converge IT and OT attack surfaces

Deduplicate, correlate, and normalize assets and applications across your entire enterprise and IoT/OT environments into a single dashboard to facilitate cyber risk management.

Analyze the likelihood of exposure

Evaluate and assess the likelihood of breach associated with assets based on existing vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, threats, and controls.

Lower risk with actionable recommendations

Deliver actionable recommendations such as remediating specific vulnerabilities or improving EDR coverage to bring the cyber risk down to acceptable levels.

Risk Reporting and Quantification

Benchmark and assess risk

Evaluate and assess the likelihood of breach associated with assets, sites, and locations to prioritize security investments and resources.

Demonstrate ROI of security investments

Measure the effectiveness and ROI of your cybersecurity tools and program by computing risk reduction in monetary terms.

“We use the Balbix risk classification system to identify the most critical assets to patch first. As a result, we have reduced breach likelihood from 88% to 35% in the past year.”

François Lepage, Director of Cybersecurity, The Master Group

Learn More

Oerlikon case study
Case Study
Oerlikon Reduces Patch Time and Improves Management-Level Cyber Risk Visibility
Case Study
The Master Group Improves Asset Visibility, Reduces Risk and Speeds Up Patching with Balbix
Solution Brief
Automated Cyber Risk Quantification Using the Balbix Platform

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