
Practitioner guide to CRQ

Real-life insights, best practices and challenges of CRQ implementation

A recent poll of security leaders found that 70% of organizations are getting started or evaluating cyber risk quantification (CRQ). Join real-world practitioners Sid Wahi and Mary Laura Samples, who have implemented CRQ at Big 4s and several other organizations.

What will you learn in this session?

You’ll learn:

  • How should you set up your data – data sources, cleaning the data
  • What assumptions do you set – related to threats, controls, scenarios
  • What methodologies and approaches should you use for quantification
  • How do you communicate the result in a defensible, inspectable, and actionable way
Why do CRQ initiatives fail?

CRQ initiatives fail or move sideways because they lack concrete results that enable CISOs to communicate risk outcomes meaningfully to the board and senior leaders.

Practitioner guide to CRQ

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