Analyst Report

EMA Report for Threat Detection and Breach Resolution

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Designed to help decision-makers, the EMA Security Analytics for Threat Detection and Breach Resolution 2019 report is a time-saving guide that enables organizations to select analytics tools that best address the most common and problematic security use cases.

The use cases in this EMA Top 3 Report and Decision Guide were gathered from management and frontline security professionals of current customers, non-customers, and vendors. Current customers and non-customers indicated their perceived needs from analytics, while also providing details on use cases that they could address once they started using their chosen solution.

The intent of this report is to inform and inspire influencers and decision makers in their project planning and vendor selection process. Download this report to understand and compare the solutions offered by various vendors for the following use cases:

  • Asset inventory and classification
  • Breach avoidance through predictive analytics
  • Real-time threat visualization
  • Risk prioritization for active security events