
Cyber-Risk Reporting to the Board: 3 Success Factors

The board of directors is responsible for seeing that a company steers a safe course as it delivers on its mission. Because the board oversees strategic and operational decisions, it is important that members have a very clear picture of business risks as they work to ensure that profits are maximized, and legal and regulatory obligations are being met.

Thanks to several highly publicized and costly breaches, cybersecurity is one of the top board-level concerns. Breaches negatively affect a company’s reputation, customer experience, and bottom line. That said, board conversations about cybersecurity are difficult because it’s a complicated subject. The enterprise attack surface is massive, there are many moving parts, and the places where things can go wrong are too numerous to count.

Also, board members and c-suite executives are big picture thinkers, so this very complex topic needs to be presented in a way that makes sense to them. In short, you need to “speak their language” as you communicate cybersecurity posture, risks, and recommended actions to your board.

Read this eBook to get the 3 key success factors for reporting cyber-risk to the board.