January 25, 2021
I recently wrote a blog on storytelling and the power of networking and it struck a chord with a lot of folks. I got questions, comments, and requests to share more stories, so here I am!
One of the best questions I get from candidates during interviews is “Why did you join?”, which is often followed by, “And why do you stay?”.
There are many reasons I chose to join a small start-up still on its way of making a name for itself, but perhaps the most significant one was something that can’t be explained.
I had an intrinsic feeling that this was the place for me. Three key things made me feel this way:
· I knew the work would be challenging, but if done right, I could positively impact people’s lives, now and in the future
· I believe in working for companies with a mission. @Balbix is striving to solve one of the world’s most critical (and toughest) problems, cybersecurity
· I had a good feeling that my colleagues at Balbix would be great to spend my days with, and that they were good people
For me, if this feeling went away, I would need to evaluate my next career move.
· The work: As a start up we are faced with daily challenges that need to be overcome by respecting the past and driving toward the future in new and different ways
· The learning: Doing things differently requires continued learning. Every member of the team, including myself is learning something new daily
· The people: The strongest driving force for me to stay is the people I work with day in and out. A few words that I would use to describe the people of @Balbix are bright, humble, driven, and just plain GOOD people
Now it’s my turn to ask you, what drives YOU? Has the time come for you to consider your next move?
· If you think you can help us continue to solve the incredibly important and difficult problem of identifying and mitigating cyber risk early, before attackers can strike
· If you want to join a team of wickedly talented technologists
· If you want to be part of a company that is impacting the world
· If you are a good human